Interclass Game Reminder/List Time: 8.00am to 11.30am Date: 13rd October 2008
Captainball Players
Wee Siang
Jonathan Chan
Jonathan Tang
Reserved Players
Kang Hao
Frisbee Players
Jin Jiang
Reserve Player
Ren Han
Zhe Hui
Can I SOAR over the RAINBOW like the mighty TWo-EFFFF?
11:12 PM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A lil reminder from Ms Cai, Please remember to bring a book for assembly from tomorrow onwards. And also, please remember to sign your form tht was attached to the End-Of-Year Examinations timetable by tomorrow.
Love, Amalina :D
Can I SOAR over the RAINBOW like the mighty TWo-EFFFF?
8:54 PM
Saturday, August 16, 2008
[edited] Hmmm... we just said farewell to marilyn at the airport. haiz.. but we shouldn't be tat sad... she'll still be visiting next January rite? and on MSN and Class Blog? so come here more often and chat like last time? kayz?
Oh ya... and marilyn! all of us really wan to Thank You for all ur contribution to the class kayz? here's a video... i thought... maybe this song is good for this? well... maybe we should have like a monthy class two-eff song? this month should be... this song? One Step at A Time - Jordin Sparks! hehe...
Can I SOAR over the RAINBOW like the mighty TWo-EFFFF?
11:23 PM
Monday, August 11, 2008
Okay... Rememeber NDP last Saturday? yar... quite a few number of us went there. but... actually! not tat we didn't ask u to go.. i ask but ur dun wan... hah! okay... here's the video
Can I SOAR over the RAINBOW like the mighty TWo-EFFFF?
3:15 PM
Friday, August 8, 2008
Can I SOAR over the RAINBOW like the mighty TWo-EFFFF?
9:01 PM
Hey dearies,
here's today's celebration photos. You all did great clearing up your area, walking to our designated site, bombing one another. Hope you enjoy your long weekend. Remember to do my ORCA! Just remember Ms Cai will be busy marking your tests and setting exam papers!
Guess who is this mysterious boy in cap!
Guess who is this boy doing a dance!
Can I SOAR over the RAINBOW like the mighty TWo-EFFFF?
8:45 PM
Sorry Nigel for blocking your post! So if
anyone of you reading this, Please just scroll
down and look at what Nigel has written!
Just hopefully this post is long enough to
pushNigel's post next to Chatango!
Okay... back to this purpose of the post, hmmm... oh ya! Rmb Founder's day? here are some pictures taken by Clarence and Joshua (from PA). Hopefully their good. Class Photo Album have them too! In fact, More of them! (
Founder's day Celebration (More in Class Photo Album!)
Nigel and us playing some 'concentration' game Only picture that i took and posted! hah!
Jonathan Tang while in the canteen setting up Mipro. With others as well! hah!
Can I SOAR over the RAINBOW like the mighty TWo-EFFFF?
5:03 PM
Hey guys :D Nigel here. As you know fireworks are pretty. So tomorrow we are gonna go to the esplanade and watch some fireworks :D Alriteys. Time and Venue : 5.30pm At CityHall Interchange. Money: $20? Cause we are having dinner :P End time : Whenever.
So these are the people who are going so far : Me,Marilyn,Zhe Hui, Syikin, Sheenaz and Tricia! So if you wanna join! Go ahead and call me or message me. I don't think it's safe posting my number here. So, you can ask Marilyn, Syikin or Sheenaz for my number alrites :D Amalina and Junyuan has them too! Please tag along and the joy will spread people :D 2F Spirit will last forever <3
Can I SOAR over the RAINBOW like the mighty TWo-EFFFF?
2:46 PM
Saturday, August 2, 2008
hey 2F,
Hope you had fun during the celebration, you all did great, performers! Those that were cheering in the audience, thanks for the quick clean-up! Here's some of the photos...
Inflating the Pat-pats
Making lotsa noise
The chicken dance
Happy Junyuan
in happy mode
jumping jumping
enjoying ice-creams
closing ceremony
Can I SOAR over the RAINBOW like the mighty TWo-EFFFF?
11:35 AM
Our class vision is to be UNITED.
In order to strive, we want to be active in all our class
and school activities.
Regardless of background, we will excel
aspects of our life; whether it is SPIRITUALLY,
PHYSICALLY or MENTALLY, we will aim to be the
best and the most outstanding class. We will exert a positive influence over our peers and set a
good example through words, deeds and actions. :D
get not more then 5 CMF per term
punctual for all classes and school
the people we cant live without;
THE Form Teacher That Rocks Our Socks; MISS CAI XIAOWEI:D<3!
and her Assistant; MS WANG QINGZHEN<3!
OUR HEADS :D Amalina. Jonathan Tang.
THE ROLE MODELS Al-Emporio. Sheenaz. Junyuan. Nigel. Hilary. Nithya.
THE SMART PEEPS Ying Wen. Christopher.
THE GUAI REPS Emilyn. (English) JinJiang. (Maths) Asyikin. (History) KangHao.(D&T)
Twoeff : All Mighty Administrator
MsCai: MS CAI! :D aka our form teacher
AllSoBlack: Jonathan Tang
Amalinaaa: Amalina
Apocalyspe/CrisRon: Jin Jiang
CrystalCharm/ MarvellousMusic: Emilyn
DragoNGeM: Ying Wen
GlorifiedG: Charminn
Guilong: Kang Hao
Ilovebongbongs: Chien Yee
LeeKuanYew: Matthew
LittleMissFun: Syikin
Lola27: Junyuan
LTS1394: TongShen
MarilynHo: Marilyn
Manurdiahh: Mas
Nameless: Alex
Nithyaanjeli: Nithya
NoobZ096East: Zulfaiz
Popitons: Al-Emporio
Plutobear / NEPALbear: Samantha
Starbugs / PandaXpress /LiamGallagher: Morris
Thelittlesuperhero/ Zahiyaah: Siti Zahiya
TheSmilingOne: Zhe Hui
WaiLum/ AllSoBlue/ MediaBoy: Wailum
WonderWall/ The Masked: Nigel
Wongkanseng: Clarence Ching
XiaoVIN/AhVIN: Alvin
Whoever do not have any ChatangoAccount, please do sign up and tell us who you are! :D
NOTE: this tagboard is only for important messages to the class, please do
not chat here so that everyone can see the messsges eg.Instructors left for 2FFFF!
want to add more songs into the playlist? do tell me about it! :D
Jun Yuan: []
Jonathan Chan: []
Jonathan Tang: []
Joey: []
Jin Jiang: []