Hey'all Charminn here! :) I was thinking about this idea whether you guys want to continue chipping into 2f's class funds. Well, this money in this 2f's alumni fund will be used for future use, like we'll have another class celebration, outings, class anniversary whatsover... I mean isn't that great to have your old classmates back and celebrate together as one though some of us aren't going to the same class for the next 3 consecutive years. I know its heartbreaking that 2f'08 is splitting BUT! BUT! BUT! This is an opportunity to make just one night: spending memorable time with your classmates like you had fun for one year together. I dont know how to phrase it. At least you get my point right?! :)) Not only that, if we want to continue to chip in till we are old girls and old boys of fairfield. I'm absoluteeee!! fine with that :DD Its kind of cool yeah. Magnificent enough? reply to Amalina asap :DD Thanks!
p.s: Clarence dont you worry.
Love, Charminn
Can I SOAR over the RAINBOW like the mighty TWo-EFFFF?
12:20 AM
Thursday, November 27, 2008
HEY GUYS! The Firefly Trail was a BLAST rite?! hahs! bet u guys who came had so much fun! games... and the night part? LAUGHED till you cried! hahs. The performance was also great?! Lets take this chance to thank ALL the performancers.
Alvin, Christopher, Emporio, Hilary, Jonathan, Jin Jiang, Matthew, Morris.
You guys DID VERY WELL!!!! Photos will be posted on the class photo album soon! Here's the End of Year video we showed during the party! And yet another HD video! ;D You may wan to load it first before viewing it. cause it's kindar long.
And something else that suppose to be shown on the class party! which wasn't displayed. its the PERFORMANCE REHEARSALS video. this really shows... the performancers puttin in their dedication to this CONCERT! JUST ONLI FOR 2F! LEts THANK them again!
Can I SOAR over the RAINBOW like the mighty TWo-EFFFF?
7:28 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Hey 2FFF! :D
For what happened during Slippers Under The Stars, the committees of J.A.E.N.Z. would like to apologize sincerely. To make up to you guys, we've come up with a 2nd Class Party, THE FIREFLY TRAIL! :) This is a cover-up of Slippers Under The Stars performances.
We've plan games and performances for you guys! We've also put in our best to make this 2nd Class Party a successful one! :D Let's pray hard together all right?
Date: 26th November 2008, Wednesday Time: 3.00pm - 8.00pm Venue: Choa Chu Kang Park
Do feel free to confide any of the J.A.E.N.Z. if you're unsure of going there. And also, we'll be passing down messages as we need to confirm the number of people coming. Please help us by replying! It'll be much appreciated :)
Can I SOAR over the RAINBOW like the mighty TWo-EFFFF?
4:23 PM
Our class vision is to be UNITED.
In order to strive, we want to be active in all our class
and school activities.
Regardless of background, we will excel
aspects of our life; whether it is SPIRITUALLY,
PHYSICALLY or MENTALLY, we will aim to be the
best and the most outstanding class. We will exert a positive influence over our peers and set a
good example through words, deeds and actions. :D
get not more then 5 CMF per term
punctual for all classes and school
the people we cant live without;
THE Form Teacher That Rocks Our Socks; MISS CAI XIAOWEI:D<3!
and her Assistant; MS WANG QINGZHEN<3!
OUR HEADS :D Amalina. Jonathan Tang.
THE ROLE MODELS Al-Emporio. Sheenaz. Junyuan. Nigel. Hilary. Nithya.
THE SMART PEEPS Ying Wen. Christopher.
THE GUAI REPS Emilyn. (English) JinJiang. (Maths) Asyikin. (History) KangHao.(D&T)
Twoeff : All Mighty Administrator
MsCai: MS CAI! :D aka our form teacher
AllSoBlack: Jonathan Tang
Amalinaaa: Amalina
Apocalyspe/CrisRon: Jin Jiang
CrystalCharm/ MarvellousMusic: Emilyn
DragoNGeM: Ying Wen
GlorifiedG: Charminn
Guilong: Kang Hao
Ilovebongbongs: Chien Yee
LeeKuanYew: Matthew
LittleMissFun: Syikin
Lola27: Junyuan
LTS1394: TongShen
MarilynHo: Marilyn
Manurdiahh: Mas
Nameless: Alex
Nithyaanjeli: Nithya
NoobZ096East: Zulfaiz
Popitons: Al-Emporio
Plutobear / NEPALbear: Samantha
Starbugs / PandaXpress /LiamGallagher: Morris
Thelittlesuperhero/ Zahiyaah: Siti Zahiya
TheSmilingOne: Zhe Hui
WaiLum/ AllSoBlue/ MediaBoy: Wailum
WonderWall/ The Masked: Nigel
Wongkanseng: Clarence Ching
XiaoVIN/AhVIN: Alvin
Whoever do not have any ChatangoAccount, please do sign up and tell us who you are! :D
NOTE: this tagboard is only for important messages to the class, please do
not chat here so that everyone can see the messsges eg.Instructors left for 2FFFF!
want to add more songs into the playlist? do tell me about it! :D
Jun Yuan: [junyuan27@msn.com]
Jonathan Chan: [jcjj1994@hotmail.com]
Jonathan Tang: [zagortang@hotmail.com]
Joey: [mystery_angel_94@hotmail.com]
Jin Jiang: [jinjiang666@hotmail.com]